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Redurbed shop 1-Recovered.jpg

 Systems Design  |  Design Research  |  Design Conceptualisation 

A System of Clothing Resale and Reuse as a Response to Overconsumption


Refurbed is a pilot project launched to address the growing environmental and social challenges posed by the fast fashion industry. Refurbed seeks to explore sustainable alternatives to the current linear model of clothing production, consumption, and disposal.

My Role

Design Researcher  |  Concept Development

The average person buys 40% more clothes annually and uses them for half as long as 15 years ago.

The Cyclic Nature of the Over Consumption Issue

We created a causal map to understand the interdependent relationship between over-production and over-consumption. Wastage and Hoarding emerged as negative by-products of the issue which were our points of possible interventions.


Hoarding Clothes

Intense attachment to personal possessions because of a presumptive desire to keep them can be seen as compulsive behaviour. Particularly, the term hoarding refers to the habit of amassing possessions and keeping them to oneself, usually in secret. 

Developing Emotional Attachment to Clothes

People are known to feel an emotional connection clothing, which keeps them from getting rid of it. Everyone treasures their happy and comforting memories, and for many individuals, looking back at certain pieces of clothing can be a wonderful way to relive some of their most cherished and emotional experiences.

Introducing, Refurbed 

By means of clothes donation and reuse, Refurbed aims to de-stigmatise second-hand clothing and discourage hoarding among consumers.

Our mission is to create a world of clothes sharing where every piece of cloth has value beyond the initial aesthetic.

Refurbishing and Resale Process


Stage 1

Semi-old clothes come out from the depths of the cupboards and their durability is checked.

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Stage 2

They are taken to the store and inspected for damages post which they are sent for further processing.

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Stage 3

Clothes are cleaned and damages are fixed through processes like darning, stitching, re-dying, etc.


Stage 4

Clothes are branded and sold with a warranty at cheaper prices.

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Redurbed shop 1-Recovered.jpg

Project Timeline

September 2018


Mihika Bhavkar

Pavitra G

Vinayak Pradeep

Rashad Khan

Zebayesh Lamak

Affiliated Organisation

Symbiosis Institute of Design

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